Wednesday, 31 January 2024 01:24

WYNN - Forgotten Jukebox SB-14

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Cross My Broken Heart  - Suzy Bogguss - 1989  (Album - Somewhere Between)

SW small Logo To say that Suzy Bogguss is an incredible singer isn't doing her justice.  Quite frankly, she has one of the most beautiful singing voices I have ever heard.  She scored a top 20 song on my Fifty Favorites From Last Years List (#18).  This song was written by two of Nashville's best songwriters at the time and was at the start of her career from a debut album that was well liked by fans.  This was also at the beginning of a real country boom and new artists were coming out every week.  As great as the boom was from 1989 to the early 2000's not all artists were going to get as noticed as they would like.  Suzy Bogguss is and was an incredible talent that is undeniable, and many of her songs are absolute works of art that her fans loved.  But her issue was, where did she really fit in?  We were lucky to have her in country and she still tours today, and being very active on social media. I was a big fan of her and her music. Because as amazingly skilled as she is and was, her music should not be forgotten. If you have never heard Suzy Bogguss sing, click on this video and take a listen. I wouldn't steer you in the wrong direction.  Song reached #14 in 1989.

Last Weeks Selection

My Full Profile On Suzy Bogguss

My The Vocalists Supreme Series (Part 2)

Drive South - Top 20 On My Favorites List 2023 - #18

Wynn small pic


Read 447 times Last modified on Wednesday, 31 January 2024 07:21
