Saturday, 10 June 2023 01:31

WYNN - BROWNS - Well, I Hope So

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SW small Logo Browns season is still a couple of months away, but the Browns and many other teams had mini-camps this week. And by all accounts, it was a great success.  Well, I hope so.

I understand there isn't a lot to talk about right now with football as the season is still a ways off.  There really is no off field drama to fuel us this year, and that in itself is rare around here.  Between Baker, Odell, Jarvis, Watson, the NFL office, and the legal system we've always had something to chat about, and none of it had to do with football. This year we can talk about football it seems.

But as cool as that is, I have to admit the talk right now is a bit silly locally, nationally and on social media.  The media seems to be tripping all over itself on how good we look right now.  That in seven on seven drills, we are completing passes and scoring touchdowns on our defense and that we look "really great."   All of this with no pads on, no pressure, no contact, no tackling or blocking, in shorts, 80 degrees, with only helmets on perfect controlled conditions.  Well, I hope so. 

I have no doubt whatsoever that the Browns are going to score a good amount of points this year.   But I have other questions and I think it's uneducated not to.  The defense, will it be a whole lot better as it needs to be?  No one has Joe Woods to scapegoat anymore.  Seems like they've addressed some of those problems. But time will tell.  I remember vividly last year during camp I read and heard from more than one Browns reporter that the defense last year was "The best since the Browns have been back in 1999."  Well..OK.  BTW the Browns defense stunk last year well before many of the injuries took place.  It started week one and the numbers say, they were "historically bad".   They are saying this year will be different.  Well, I hope so.

Then there's the coach.  As the Browns roster seems to be getting better and the QB seems to be ready for a far better season, are you as concerned as I am on the head coach?  And are you concerned that the front office really has acquired and signed the right players to solve many issues?  Today, that combo is the weak link by far.  Are we still going to be the worst run organization in the conference?  Are we still going to make the worst in game decisions in the league that cost us games?  Or have we and they finally and long last crossed over and all of that is behind us and it's a new day where things really will be different after all these years?

Well, I hope so....

Wynn small pic


Read 673 times Last modified on Saturday, 10 June 2023 08:11
