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Tuesday, 10 December 2013 07:46

50 Truths That Will Make Your Life Easier

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As difficult as it is to admit, there are some things about life that will never change. Politicians will always do shady things. Your mom will always be slightly passive aggressive at the dinner table. Your feet will always hurt after an hour in high heels. Resist these truths if you want, but it’s futile. Life is so much easier when you accept the inevitable. Below are some things that you shouldn’t waste your energy fighting. The sooner you give in, the better. Trust us on this one.

1. People act weird in elevators.

2. Your parents will never stop annoying you.

3. Chicken soup does cure colds.

4. You should buy the size you wear and not the size you wish you wore.

5. Quick fixes and workarounds usually just make things worse.

6. Eating lots of junk food makes you feel like shit.

7. You sleep better with clean sheets and life makes more sense when you get enough sleep.

8. Women act like crazed wildebeests at sample sales.

9. You should call your grandparents even if you don’t feel like it.

10. Your partner will never be able to read your mind.

11. Public transportation brings out the worst in human nature.

12. Manicures chip.

13. You are going to get grey hairs.

14. Spring for the insurance coverage.

15. The chances of getting your period increase exponentially when you’re wearing white pants or when you’re about to go on vacation.

If you want the rest of the 50 click here  The Frisky

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 December 2013 07:48