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Friday, 22 November 2013 08:48

8 Questions to Consider Before Your Next FB Satutus Update

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You know the people. The ones you block from your Facebook feed because their status updates are just so boring/annoying/attention-whoring that you can’t stand to read them, and for some social reason, you don’t want to unfriend them. Don’t be that person, mmkay? Take a moment to think about whether you really want to share a particular thought with the Internet, and the only way your friends and family will digitally drop you is if you steal the last slice of cake at your next get-together.

Here are 8 questions to ask yourself before you hit enter on that Facebook status.

  1. What’s the purpose of your update? Are you conveying information? Sharing something funny? Make sure you actually have a reason for posting. No one cares if you had chicken for dinner unless it was the best chicken ever and everyone needs to try this recipe because zomg it’s to die for.
  2. Who’s your audience? Your boss, your dad, and your friend’s 14-year-old daughter don’t need to know you did shots off the bar with your hands tied behind your back.
  3. How many times have you updated today? If you need to update more than three to five times a day, sign up for Twitter.
  4. Is it vague? I guarantee you’ll get more support and prayers if you actually tell people what you need the prayers for. Otherwise keep it off the net.
  5. Is it passive aggressive? If you included the phrase some people, while thinking of someone specific yet not mentioning them, you’re being passive aggressive. Just hit delete and maybe work on your conflict resolution skills.
  6. Is it something you’d be interested in reading in someone else’s feed? Chances are if you’re not interested in reading it about another person, they’re not interested in reading it about you.
  7. Will your friends hate Jesus if they don’t repost it? Just no. Jesus doesn’t base His love for you on how many things you’ve re-blogged for Him.
  8. Is it FarmVille? They have settings to only post to other people that play the game. Please use them
