Wednesday, 18 August 2021 01:47

WYNN - I Have Questions.....

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Ask anyone in my life and they will tell you I ask a lot of questions.  I do. I know that it can be a bit much after a while, but I am a very curious person.  Years ago I went to get some help for some problems I was dealing with (or actually not) and my counselor told me  "Scott, you are a very curious individual, you want to know things."  It was the first time anyone had ever said that to me. I mean how do you know?  You're just - YOU!

I do want to know things.  Asking people questions is about the nicest thing you can say to them.  You are actually saying, "What do you think or feel about........"  And it makes people feel important to be asked, about that there is no doubt.  By asking others questions you are showing interest in THEIR feelings and thoughts and taking the focus off of yourself. People like that.  I always think that is a good formula to building long lasting friendships.  I am VERY proud to say I have many GREAT friends that I see regularly and play golf with I have known all my life.

Here is a fun read too, about questions. What do you think about that??

Click To Read!

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Read 1063 times Last modified on Tuesday, 17 August 2021 17:41
