Monday, 31 October 2022 01:32

WYNN - Tough Town!

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With today being Halloween, things can be pretty scary or course. But most of what we see in the movies and TV isn't real, and most of us would make different decisions than the bozos in those shows.  But sometimes truth is far scarier and certainly more real.

At the South Pole there is a town that in order to live there, you have to have your appendix  taken out.  The nearest hospital is 625 miles away.   This article is very cool (no pun intended) to learn about a life so incredibly different than any of us can imagine.  I know it all sounds like some kind of bad Final Destination type of movie, but it's the truth!~

Take Out Your Appendix To Live Here - Tough Town!

Wynn small pic

Read 781 times Last modified on Friday, 28 October 2022 04:43
