Thursday, 12 October 2023 02:13

My Top Ten: Childhood Toys

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Sometimes I feel like a big kid. By that, I mean I cannot go through a supermarket without checking out the toy aisle. I know many adults hunt for rare items to resell online, but when it comes to buying out toys meant for children I'm not a fan of that. No disrespect. If there's some collectible Funko Pop or similarly limited edition display-piece, that's totally different. Personally, I will scoop up every single El Camino in the store, and most appreciate the ones with cool paint and realism. If it's based on an actual vehicle, I usually dig it.

Anyways, there's so many options for toys these days and I must say I'm in no big hurry to have children. However, I cannot wait until the days my kiddos and I build Legos together, play vintage video games, and set up some crazy orange tracks from which to launch toy cars! I want to teach them guitar, bring them to the skate park, and all that good stuff; but here I go off track again. Pun intended!

With the rise in popularity of everything Barbie, as well as more advanced and downright radical products from major toymakers, I figured this may be a good time to talk about my favorite toys growing up, and some still today. I'll never not enjoy trying to grind a "rail" on a Tech Deck, and I'm anything but embarrassed to say so. I draw a line somewhere, but for the most part- like what you like! If you collect Beanie Babies still, sweet! If you're out there somewhere trying to use an Easy Bake Oven, right on!

With this, here's my top ten childhood toys. I'd love to hear what you enjoyed in your youth, and if you still keep any of them for whatever reason. Maybe you want to pass some stuff down to your children like my Dad did for me, or maybe you're saying, heck no! These are mine! Haha :)

10. Erector Set

9. Tonka Trucks

8. Kinex

7. R/C Cars, Boats, and Planes

6. Red Rider BB Gun

5. Slot Cars

4. Nerf Blasters

3. Tech Decks

2. Legos

1. Hotwheels

Special Shoutout to the most classic of toys, a good stick from the yard!

By the way, this marks my 50th blog on the WQMX website! I'm so grateful to be able to do what I do here at the station including writing these, and I so appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my words. Thank you!

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