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Monday, 01 June 2015 00:00

Daily Scoop for week of June 1st

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Today is Monday June 1st

Happy birthday to CNN –it was launched in 1980.  And it is Marilyn Monroe’s birthday—she was 36 when she died and would be 89 today

The MBA finals begin Thursday at Golden State in Oakland. A fun fact: The two best players in the series ( maybe the world) LeBron and Stephen Curry, were both born in the same Akron hospital 39 months apart

Tribe Talk: Jason Kipnis got his 50th hit in a calender month. Pretty rare. Also Cory Kluber stuck out 60 in the calender month. Team mates have not done that for the same team since 1938 in MLB history.(Kipnis will be AL player of the month for May) Next Dollar Dog night is 4 days away!!!! June 5th!!

Kimmy K Is pregnant with her second child. She announced it last night on TV

At the movies: San Andreas 53 million, ruled the box office this weekend. Pitch Perfect 2, number 2. The new Cooper flick Aloha flopped at 6th place.

New Study Shows Women prefer good looking men in virtually every regard. Treat them better and are more forgiving of them.

Jessica Simpson Is going to open a chain of mall stores with her name on them this year. She sells a BILLION dollars worth of stuff every year.!

Jake Owen – Treated fans to a meal at the Waffle House. $900 worth and a $200 dollar tip this weekend

Cute video : Horsing Around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhTibt3nlJY

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