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Thursday, 26 June 2014 07:16

Foods That Will Flatten Your Tummy

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Here’s a rundown of four foods that will help flatten your tummy:

  • Pineapple – It’s loaded with a chemical that promotes digestion and eases bloating.
  • Fennel – It acts as a natural diuretic, which means it helps your body get rid of the excess water that causes puffiness. If you're not a fan of the licorice-like taste, try celery, which works also.
  • Plain yogurt – Any kind of yogurt will do as long as the container’s label says it has live and active cultures. These live and active cultures improve digestion.
  • Ginger – It keeps gas at bay and is also considered to be an “edible amphetamine,” revving your system up and burning a few extra calories along the way.
  • Source: (Redbook)