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Thursday, 26 December 2013 07:04

Moderation Is Key

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It's the holidays and through New Years,  we will continue to be surrounded by delicious food. How can we avoid packing on the pounds – without giving up our favorite foods? Here are some helpful tips to keep your eating in check:

  • Take control the moment you wake up – Recognize that you will be tempted and just vow to not stuff yourself silly.
  • Don't skip breakfast – By skipping breakfast, you will be more likely to overeat later on.
  • Load your plate with variety, not volume – Instead of heaping your plate with tons of food, take a couple of your favorite items to nibble on. Enjoy everything, but not in mass quantities.
  • Forget the "all or nothing" mindset – Instead, think "moderation" and choose a smaller plate if you start craving larger portions.
  • Savor it all – Tasting food before swallowing leaves us feeling more satisfied, which might take the edge off our hunger before a party.
Last modified on Thursday, 26 December 2013 07:06