Tuesday, 10 February 2015 00:00

Daily Scoop for Week of 2/9/15

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Friday, February 13th, Today IS -Blame Someone Else DayWorld Radio DayNational Tortellini Day / National “Italian Food” Day, 

Jerry Springer is 71


Cavs –Last night...lost to Chicago....(All Star Break)


Tonight, and tomorrow are two of the busiest restaurant nights of the year!


It's Friday the 13th. Are you scared? (always 1 and never more than 3 in a calender year10 percent- Of Americans will NOT travelon Fridaythe 13th


Saturday Night Live celebrates its 40th anniversary with a three-and-a-half-hour live episodeon Sunday.


Tiger Woods announced yesterday he will NOT play anymore golf tournaments until his game is 



50 Shades of Grey officially opens today and it was given a PG movie rating in France- means

12 year-olds can go without a parent.


Is their life after death? On Facebook there is. You can designate someone to be a "legacy contact" to manage your account after your death


According toTimemagazine, about 15 percent of women have sent themselves flowers on Valentine's Day


Today is Thursday, February, 12 today IS -Paul Bunyan Day: 12 (Born Feb. 12, 1834 in Bangor, ME), National PB&J Day


Lincoln's Birthday (1806)Josh Brolin is 47


Cavs –Last night...(win) AGAIN! 113-93 over the Heat


Three winners will split the $564 million prize, lottery officials said.The winning tickets were purchased in North Carolina,Texas and Puerto Rico


Apparently, Brian Williams lobbied hard for the Tonight Show gig before Fallon got it! Word is he wants and wanted to be a comedian.


New survey says that women will notice and judge men far more from the clothes they are wearing than the car they drive.(Shoes especially)


There are more people diving “stoned” now as opposed to being drunk.And marijuana stats have jumped 50%

50 Shades Of Grey -Opens tonight, and is the largest pre-sale movie ever!


Spanish –was voted the “happiest” language on earth!


Five Sexiest Places on Earth –Paris #1, Vegas, Cancun, Bahamas, and Miami the top of the list


Wednesday is Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day,  Make A Friend Day,  Jennifer Aniston’s birthday and National Peppermint Patty Day.  Is also “Satisfied Staying Single Day”

Cavs – The Heat are in town TONIGHT!

Power Ball – 450 Million for tonight Classic – 2.9 for tonight

Brian Williams Is now being called on the carpet about his account of a helicopter ride in Isreal in 2006. Claimed they were fired on by rockets. Seems to not be true. And, has been suspended by NBC for 6 months no pay. Lester Holt is the new anchor.

New Survey of women what they think are the sexiest accents in the world, British – 27% American – 8.7% Irish – 8.1% Australian – 8%

Active  posting  likes, comments and general bragging on Facebook, is a sign of  the insecurity  

A new study has found that attractive guys are less generous and less likely to be interested in equality than unattractive ones.  On the other hand, though, attractive women aren’t any more or less selfish than unattractive women.

An American Express survey found that 6 million Americans got engaged on Valentine’s Day last year

John Stewart – Is leaving The Daily Show after 16 years

Tom Brady, QB of the Patriots got a $60,000 tax bill for winning the Superbowl. Between money made and the Checy Truck he was given

New Study shows – The average amount of dates before people start sleeping together is 3.53

Tell us Something Good Tuesday Scoop It's National Umbrella Day...National Cream Cheese Brownie Day / National “Have a Brownie” Day

Happy Birthday to Craig Campbell, he is 36 


 A SECOND study has found it takes 2,500 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop

Taco Bell is at it again! Get ready for the Quesalupa! Is it aquesadilla? Or a chalupa! It's both!

The Grammy's ratings were a 6 year low. Walking Dead had a good night against the Grammy's

Rosie O'Donnell is leaving The View at the end of the week. Doctors orders, and a recent marital split the reasons

According to a new British survey, chocolate is harder to give up than alcohol, caffeine, or even sex.

50 Shades –Is going to be shown in IMAX theaters too as a test. 75 screens to start. Also it is the fastest selling movie in Fandago history, both sequels got the green light.

Measles Party's –All the rage in California, exposing kids to measles so they will GET the virus and be  done with it. Experts are saying it's about the worst idea ever.

Read 3309 times Last modified on Friday, 13 February 2015 08:28