Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

It all started Wednesday last week. I started feeling like my allergies were beginning to bother me. At the same time, it felt like a cold. Wednesday I was having trouble talking without getting the feeling like I had to cough up a hairball the size of an adult cat!!! Then, later that afternoon and evening I started noticing signs that made me think it might be a cold or the flu as well - so I took the rest of the week to get better. I started taking cold meds to help, which with my regular medications just KNOCKED ME OUT! 

I slept most of Thursday, half of Friday, but then couldn't sleep at all Friday into Saturday morning!!! I FINALLY fell asleep about noon on Saturday after being up since sometime Friday afternoon. I slept until about 6:30 that evening which really disappointed me. I was planning to be at the Dusty and the Rubber Ducks game with all of you Saturday night - but I just about slept through all of it thanks to cold medicine...ugh!

I'm feeling better now. Off the cold meds and just dealing with a nose I can't catch! That feels like allergies which I hope go away soon!!!!! Rain please!!

This is the Rhododendron next to my front door at home. My mom bought the house in 1978 and this plant was already this thing is at least 45 years old! The top of it could look a little better than it does. Last year, it looked it's best and in full bloom on Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully the same will happen this year too!

I'm giving it liquid love and looking forward to seeing it at its peak. I'll give an update on its condition when it looks the absolute best this season!

Monday, 22 May 2023 23:29

What I did over the weekend

So I am someone that will at least TRY to practice what I preach, not just "do as I say, not as I do". For Mother's Day I gave the suggestion to take mom somewhere special to eat on a day other than Mother's Day itself to avoid crowds.

That is EXACTLY what my mom and I did. Even though I went to dinner with her on Mom's Day itself (I paid), it wasn't the "official" Mother's Day dinner. That was this past Friday night. I took my mom and my brother out to dinner at the place of her choosing - Hartville Kitchen. She loves their Roast Beef dinner! YUM! My brother had the Ham Steak, and I had chicken. Of course you must get dessert. She had Angel Food cake and Strawberries, while I had Chocolate Peanut Butter pie - one of my favorites there!! My brother skipped dessert...what was he thinking?!

Wednesday, 17 May 2023 23:15

Let's talk Guardians baseball

They say "There's no crying in Baseball" about panicking? or at least biting fingernails? I know that's going WAY too far at this point in the season, but MAN! The Guards are 6-8 in the month of May so far, but is it me or does it seem worse?! We started out the month losing the series to the Yankees in New York. Then we won the series with Minnesota at home, but then immediately lost the next series at home to Detroit. Next, we took 2/3 from the LA Angels at home, but now BEST case is we lose 2/3 in Chicago against the White Sox.

This franchise has a history of playing so-so baseball early and then they come alive as we head toward the playoffs. It would just be nice for a change to get off to a great start and keep that momentum going. As a Guards/Indians fan for 25 years, I guess I know what to expect - those really good, exciting series in August and September. 

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 22:58

FINALLY getting better!

I feel like I need the Rose Dawson "It's been 84 years" meme from Titanic to describe how long it feels since I hurt my ankle falling up my steps. I checked, it's been 16 days. Truthfully it DOES feel like 84 years! LOL.

I am finally able to walk with almost no pain at all, the bruises are just about completely gone, ANNNNDD as of today I am able to wear a nicer pair of slip on shoes that I normally wear to work for the first time since this happened! That feels like a majo victory. Up until now, it was too painful to push my foot inside the shoe or twist my foot to try to fit the shoe on. As of tonight though...NO MORE!

It is so nice having a choice in footwear again! Pleased to no longer be stuck wearing tennis shoes or maybe sandals if it's nicer out. Now if I can keep myself from doing this again for 84 years, I'll be GOLDEN!!! haha

Memorial Day weekend is already next weekend! It is considered the unofficial start of Summer. This year, spend part of the weekend with us at WQMX! Saturday May 27th will start with a BBQ party at the Dusty Armadillo. PLUS...Ryan Griffin will be performing as well.

Then that evening, we are all headed to the Akron RubberDucks game vs. Bowie. Ryan Griffin will thow out the first pitch and then hang with us in Summit Construction's suite! You have your chance to win your way into the suite to hang out with Ryan and the WQMX jocks!

It'll be so much fun! All of the complete details are here.

I didn't want to have to write about this today, but I feel I have no choice. Over the weekend (Saturday night to be exact) I had a mental health episode. What's worse is this was the second one I've had in the last week and a half. I have lived with mental health issues for about 15 years now. I have been in counseling three different times and I continue to take medication. Generally, I am in a good place. Every now and then I have a bad day. Luckily the frequency of the episodes is much less than it used to be.

If you know someone who struggles with mental health, do what you can and what THEY need from YOU to help them through their situations. There are so many people that have a mental health issue but it rarely gets talked about. For many people that makes it feel like they should be ashamed of it...they shouldn't. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to mention it, as you can probably tell :).

Long story short: PLEASE help take away the stigma that often comes with hearing someone has mental health struggles. Treat them with respect, understanding, and please realize that in the moment we often cannot stop or change what is happening even if we recognize how destructive it is or even if we want to.

Thursday, 11 May 2023 23:33

Happy Mother's Day

First off, Happy Mother's Day to my mom! Love you <3. Be sure you show your mom love this weekend and get her something nice...or AT LEAST take her to lunch or dinner somewhere nice! I let my mom choose where she wants me to take her out to eat. SHHH...another trick - take her out to eat on Saturday or another evening to celebrate if you aren't going for brunch. That way you can avoid the crowds!!!

Anyway, here at WQMX we are trying to help one lucky person out this year. It's our Loads of Love contest with Myers Appliance. Be listening Friday because you will still have two more chances to score a $25 Amazon gift card. Then you are in the running (with everyone else who's won a gift card) for the grand prize - a new Maytag Washer & Dryer! Listen to Ben McKee after 6:00 Friday, he will announce that grand prize winner! If you are the have a gift for mom! What could be better than that?! 

Good luck in the drawing and Happy Mother's Day if you are a mom!

Wednesday, 10 May 2023 23:25

Attention pizza and Cheesesteak lovers

My mom and I had a tradition for dinner on Friday nights when I was growing up. My dad would go to pick up my brothers and sister from their mom's house in Geneva after work, so my mom and I were alone for dinner on Fridays. We would hit up the local Pizza Hut for some cheese sticks and pizza (plus this was back when I was eligible for Book It). Anyway, we have been fans of Pizza Hut ever since.

Now they have announced they are adding two new menu items across the country! They are a Cheesesteak Pizza AND a Cheesesteak Melt. The pizza will have sirloin steak, alfredo sauce, green bell peppers, onion, and parmesan oregano. YUM!!!! The melt will be fairly similar.

I will have to try it the next time I stop in for sure! Read all about the new additions in the article.

Tuesday, 09 May 2023 23:23

It's Concert Week!!!

It is a big week across America! It is Concert Week! WQMX is celebrating by letting you Pick A Ticket! Listen to Scott & Sarah the rest of the week @ 7:10. They will let you know when to listen fo the WQMX ticket window to open. When it does, that is your cue to call to pick your ticket! Be the correct caller, and that is exactly what you will do. You have a choice of five different shows at Blossom Music Center this summer for lawn tickets, while supplies last. What is more fun than hanging out on the lawn at Blossom on a hot summer night?!

Find full details on our website on the Pick A Ticket slider. Be listening to Scott & Sarah at 7:10 to hear when the ticket window will open with WQMX!!! Good luck :)

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