Monday, 19 August 2019 14:04

Back To School

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And so it begins.  Schedules change, lunches need made, school is back in!

I hope you enjoyed this summer with your children.  Before I came to WQMX I worked at The Summit for 3 1/2 years.  We were fully automated mostly 

and so I recorded my show each week day morning and was off.  Andrew was just beginning first grade when I started there.  I was able to be a "room mom"

for that time, and summers were spent  mostly at the JCC pool.  It was the most wonderful time and for that I do not ever regret leaving the previous radio station, 

WKDD.   To have that time with my child was precious.  Now he is in his last year at University, and as we took note Friday would be the last move, I was over overjoyed.

Not at that, but that he was back at school and I could get my house back in order!  My grocery bill will be going way down, and the need to cook will dwindle!

I never thought it would be that easy.  When he was young, I never wanted to be apart from him.  Funny how that can change!  I say this with a chuckle.  I do

however love being an almost empty-nester.  He wants to move to New York at some point after graduation, and I wish him the best.  I will visit no doubt, but 

there are many adventures for my husband and I to have on our own again!  Can't wait!


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