Monday, 15 January 2024 06:12

Daily Scoop, 1/15/24

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Today is Monday, January 15th- It IS - MLK Jr. Day – Federal Holiday, Elementary School Teacher Day, Hat Day, Strawberry Ice Cream Day, Bagel Day

You will eat about 39 bagels this year and every year each year

January 15 (TODAY) is the Unhappiest Day of the Year, AKA Blue Monday. Christmas bills, weather, blah blah

Breakfast cereal eaters eat an average of 11 pounds a year

Hangovers, in case you every wondered, scientists say the last on average about 24 hours

37 million Americans live alone, representing 29% of all U.S. Households - Largest ever

According to a new study, it’s women who fall out of love sooner

Almost 5% of us say the first thing we would do if we won the lottery is dump our significant other

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