Monday, 03 October 2022 06:18

Daily Scoop, 10/3/22

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Today is Monday, October 3rd- It IS - Techies Day, Boyfriend Day, Soft Taco Day

Researchers found that strong black coffee kills the bacteria on teeth that leads to tooth decay. Adding sugar to coffee negates this benefit.

Until October 6, you can vote on whether Taco Bell should bring back the Double Decker Taco or the Enchirito

Amal and George Clooney say they have never had an argument

Cleveland has the third most photogenic skyline of big cities

Columbus is the city that cusses the most - Phoenix the least

Researchers say squirrels have multiple personalities – virtually all of them

A new survey found that we would rather shave our heads, do our taxes, go to the dentist, go to the DMV, and spend a night in jail rathe

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