Thursday, 28 April 2022 06:17

Daily Scoop, 4/28/22

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Today is Thursday, April 28th- It IS - Superhero Day - (first-responders and front-line workers, to teachers, coaches), Safety and Health at Work Day, Blueberry Pie Day

Gayle Dudley, 20-year plus veteran at a Longhorn Steakhouse in Columbus, is now a “Grill Master Legend” for officially grilling over 1 million steaks! Super rare, well done!

Tropicana now has a cereal- Tropicana Crunch that is a cereal made for OJ. The Honey Almond mix is coming on May 4th

9% of people who got it on at an outdoor music festival last year - did it in a port a-potty

Today's college graduates expect to earn $104,000 right after graduation.

If your NFL team is a loser year after year, it's actually bad for your physical and mental health

Trending!! - “Bleisure Trip”? it actually has to do with combining business and pleasure – at least when it comes to travel

The average woman will spend about 22 days of her life - Shaving her legs

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