Monday, 31 January 2022 06:16

Daily Scoop, 1/31/22

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Today is Monday, January 31st- It IS - Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, Hot Chocolate Day, Eat Brussel Sprouts Day

Bengals and Rams in the Super Bowl

Howard Hesseman passed away, he was 81

Hormel has a surprise for you! A Chili Cheese Keg which has cheese and their chili sauce in a half-barrel that can dispense 15 gallons of hot dip — nearly 300 four-ounce servings of Hormel Chili Cheese.

You go to the bathroom about 2,500 times a year!

New emojis coming soon to include melting face, beans, mason jars, crutches, a disco ball and bubbles.

Playing those word games is good for you- they can improve your focus, memory, and more

If you smile at people you see in public, its good for your and their self esteem – makes you feel connected

The average person reads 17 reviews before picking vacation spots.

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