Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Wednesday, 22 April 2020 01:18


As I was driving through Hinckley the other day, I saw this situation.  And of course I had to stop and see what this was all about, and it was pretty simple. Seems someone forgot they were too tall and well....

Yesterday as I was driving into work to do the show at 3AM, I realized I forgot my phone and wallet at home, and I was ticked off at myself for that error.  So I had to turn around and go back home and get them, making me about 30 minutes behind in my morning routine getting ready for the show.  Then I remembered this scene.

Oh My......

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I felt better.  My day could have gotten off to that start......

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Tuesday, 21 April 2020 01:26

MORNING THOUGHTS - Important To Remember

We have all noticed many things during this strange time in our lives.  In fact, we may be more observant now as we have more time to be so.

With all the news coverage rightly targeted at the pandemic, it's hard to get away from it.  I get swept up in it too as it has temporarily changed our lives.  But today I stopped and thought of something that maybe we have not thought about as much recently to no fault of our own.  There are plenty of people we all know who are battling illnesses or problems that have nothing to do with the virus.  Many of them fight their battle in private, some not, but it's a battle nonetheless.  And with enemies that have been around far longer than CoronaVirus.

I went out and chipped some golf balls the other day, looked down and really noticed this bracelet that has been on my wrist. I'm wearing it these days, as I know a few people taking on cancer.  And their fight is no less important than this virus.  And of course the incredible health care people taking care of them, are just as heroic.  I'm sure you know someone, who is taking on a health enemy somewhere, whether it's physical or emotional and they are in your thoughts every day. 

I reminded myself that even though these ongoing and never ending battles rage everyday in hospitals and clinics all over the country - you are not forgotten.  And In most cases, these fights will continue on long after this virus has been beaten, as they were here long before its birth.  

We will keep you in our thoughts with the same vigor as always, even though you are not on the news, or in the headlines.  Keep up the good fight.  And if you are in the war against the virus, God bless, and thank you too.

Whether you are getting the care, or administering it - Thank you! You are not forgotten!

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Monday, 20 April 2020 01:19

LET'S EAT - But Do We Need This?

During this time of quarantine we are all cooking more and eating more.  We are all looking for new things to make and bake.  Much of it tasty.

But do we need this?

23 Different Cake To Make That Are HEALTHY?

Click above to find out.  I'd love to hear if these are actually tasty!

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New This Week –  What possibly lies ahead for the future of the theaters

DVD – Just Mercy / Underwater

Fact - Americans on average are streaming an average of  8 hours a day during the lock down.

Many Cable Networks - Have really gone to a lot of movies for programming.  Many are showing trilogies, and marathons.   Next Month CBS goes Blockbbuster (schedule) movies on Sunday Nights

NEW!!  - The 10-part Michael Jordan documentary series The Last Dance is scheduled to begin on ESPN on Sunday. They are two one hour episodes and will be shown at a time, Starts this Sunday - thru May 17th  (Sundays) 

Trolls World Tour  -  Had a record debut on home video. It had the biggest opening day and weekend grosses for an on-demand movie.

Parasite - The Oscar winning Best Picture is the most streamed movie on Hulu.


Top Streaming Last Weekend

1. Trolls World Tour  (All Time Record Opening for Streaming)
Bad Boys for Life
Sonic the Hedgehog
Birds of Prey
The Invisible Man
The Call of the Wild
Like a Boss
Jumanji: The Next Level

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Thursday, 16 April 2020 01:58

TOPICAL - The Senior Pics

Over the past few days there has been the huge thing about posting your senior pics from high school in support of the graduating class of 2020.  They of course will not have the traditional graduation virtually all of us us had.

I'm not really sold on the "support" thing.  But I do feel badly that their special time is not going to be available to them, and that's a shame. It is a very special time in your world, and a one time deal. But there is nothing that can be done,  and that's the pity of it.  My guess would be that prom support pics are coming next, and so on. 



I think we do this to give us a distraction from the junk that's going on, and for a few moments it probably works.  The hunting for the pics, the posting, the comments, of course it's fun.  And I think that's all it was. Fun for the poster mostly.  Of course there is the "don't give out too much info" thing to consider too.

We can all use a diversion every now and again.  And a stroll down memory lane for many, is just that.

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Wednesday, 15 April 2020 01:08


Love giving love to the local restaurants in the area, and one that Windy and I tried over the weekend was a really cool place in Aurora called The Mason Jar Grill And Pub  It's owned by mom Maxine, and son Dan Collier.  I talked with them yesterday on the phone to ask them if it was OK to write this, and I told them we loved the food. They are really nice people, and are also Portage County-ans.

The Mason Jar is at 329 Garfield Road in Aurora, and this was the first time we had ever had their food.  They are doing pick-up only right now, as they are a small operation.  But our quick visit there will not be our last journey there as it looks like a really fun place.  Very quaint, very nice, and the food was incredible. Windy had a gyro that looked and tasted terrific, and I had a GIGANTIC burger with Swiss that was delicious.


mj pic

They have a real nice regular menu, that features burgers, sandwiches, and the stuff you would expect from place like this. Also a large selection of salads, and apps too.  A nice bar, and a cool setting make this a real fun place to go.

Please support Maxine and Dan, these are good people, and if you are in the Portage County area, try some takeout soon.  Good food, good people and a good thing to do.

Regular Menu -

mj menu

Please support LOCAL RESTRAUNTS!

(photos used by permission)

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Tuesday, 14 April 2020 01:39


New This Week -


Just Mercy

Streaming too, but if you rent from any service this is here today.  Good flick, true story, great performances



Here comes Kristin Stewart - again. And there is something not good 7 miles down under the ocean.



The streaming services continue to add "new" movies to thier platform.  Most, are NOT so new, but we are all looking for stuff to watch

Netflix  -  Tiger King (new espisode debuted Sunday)

                 Molly's Game  / The Social Network  / The Hangover    (Full April Listings)

Amazon Prime  - (New This Month)

Hulu  -  (New This Month)

Top 10 Streaming Last week!

1. Trolls World Tour
Bad Boys for Life
Sonic the Hedgehog
Birds of Prey
The Invisible Man
The Call of the Wild
Like a Boss
Jumanji: The Next Level

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Monday, 13 April 2020 01:59

WYNN QUOTES - Staring This Thing Down

"I respect my opponent, but I will not live in fear....."

It is not in my DNA to walk through the world in fear.  It is also not in my DNA to not respect my opponent, as a worthy one warrants it.

Maybe it's because early on I had some large life misfortunes that changed me quick.  My dad passing as a teen, and the many ancillary things that linger long afterwards. We handle things differently now with young people. Not so much back then.

Then as I got older, I fought some demons that made me my own worst enemy at times.  (It was not drugs, booze or anything illegal).   When you are the opponent, you are more than a worthy adversary.  Then at about 31, things got better.  Way better and I was able to put life into another gear and be better to myself and others. Not saying this story is more meaningful than yours, or someone you know, but it is mine. 

Sure, there have been some tough times since then, but there have been countless more good times than bad.  Yeah, this virus thing stinks and it's a real life alter-er. But after being in life changing situations before, as have you I'm sure, I choose to believe this virus thing, while very serious, is life altering, and temporary.  Science and medicine will catch up to it, and defeat it, but not before there is real damage done to us all, and for that I feel brokenhearted.

I will respect it. I am, and will follow the words and advice of people far smarter and more qualified than me to protect myself, and the people around me, as we all can. And I hope you will too. But with that said, what we can all do is stare this thing down.  In the end, we will stand tall when this thing lays down, but that day is not yet here....

But until then, I will not live in fear.

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New This Week – Theaters Closed!  Word is some theaters may have a tough time reopening

DVD – Little Women / Cats / Dolittle   (Let's break it down  Good / Horrible / Bad) in that order!

My Spy - Is going straight to Amazon. April 17th was the date.  Last to announce delayed release date.

Today  – Hallmark will run 12 hours of Christmas movies Friday at noon   Schedule

Seems Sony - Has postponed all 2020 Summer Blockbusters till 2021  

Tiger King - Has become one of the biggest hits ever on Netflix. (34 million in ten days)  Even more than Stranger Things

ONE - More episode of Tiger King  SUNDAY  AND  - a new series on Carol's missing husband.

Not Now, But - There is going to be a Jumanji 4

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Thursday, 09 April 2020 01:56

LOCAL - Dunkin' App - The Apps Have It!

Of course the state of things right now as far as our daily lives are concerned are strange to say the least.  But there will be some good to come out of all this when it passes - and it will. 

Convenience. All of us have learned that isn't to be taken for granted, like we always have.  But also there are many that have rebelled against super-convenience and even some tech that can make our lives better. And this pandemic has made that clear.  Take apps for instance.  We all have them of course in our phones, but many just use the ones that come standard.  But many have loaded in tons of new ones, and opened up a whole new way of doing things.  In fact the loading of apps into phones has skyrocketed the past few weeks as we are trying to keep as normal of life as possible. And with that right now, sometimes tech is needed.

Especially in the restaurant biz.  Let's take Dunkin for instance. I have been an endorser of them for years, and proud of it.

Love Dunkin'

dunkin 2

If you love Dunkin like I do, the app they have is the greatest thing.  You set it up, you order through it, pay through it, and then just drive in and pick it up.  No contact, no touch, no anything except your order waiting for you as you drive through.  They call it "frictionless"  I call it terrific!  This for them, and for a whole bunch of places is going to be a new way of really doing business.  I know, it's been around for years....true.  But not to millions of people that have resisted for this type of thing for years. But now the dam has broken, and the new users will now use this tech forever.

Easy As Can Be - Never Got Out Of The Car!

dunkin 1

I hate this virus thing as much as you do, and I am as ready as you to get back to dining out, travel, Tribe Games at Progressive Field, concerts at Blossom and everything else.  But, with perspective, there will be some good that comes out of all this. And this will be part of it. New ways to do commerce for many.  New revenue streams for places that learned they CAN do delivery or take out, and well!   And us -  We will be committed to the local franchisees more than ever before.

Download the Dunkin App - Click

If you're an old hat at the app thing, congrats.  If you're new to the party, welcome. There is room for you and room for all businesses to grow, now and when this has passed us!

Important From Dunkin'

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