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Thursday, 05 October 2023 18:31

Teacher's Day!

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To all the Teacher's, you deserve the world building our youth... minds, body and spirit.  
I loved school!  Basically, because I lived in the middle of nowhere and it was the only way that I got to see friends.

My teachers were a trip looking back.  The Late Eileen Rensel was a stickler.  I had her in 7th and 10th Grade.  She taught English and before you could enter her room.  You had to look her in the eye, shake her hand with the correct pressure and say "May I enter the classroom and be seated."  There were a lot of students who barely made it into the classroom after 3 or 4 tries after going to the back of the line.   It definitely is something that stuck with me.  Her public speaking portion of her class was top notch also.  She was one of the best.

I also had a History Teacher, Mr. Shade.  He was nuts.  For our review days... He would sit in the front of the room in a chair on a table with a catchers mask on.  Students who answered questions correctly would get to throw a tennis ball at him from the back of the room.  The Valedictorian and everyone were warming up before that class!  Talk about a reason to retain information.

Mr. Leiber, Mr. Varner and many more have stuck with me thru the years.   

Being Teacher Day remember some of your favorites...  I Thank All The Teachers!!!!   You are very important and thank you for all you do... I hope you get all the apples and the raises you deserve.  Thank you. 


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