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Tuesday, 21 April 2020 01:26

MORNING THOUGHTS - Important To Remember

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We have all noticed many things during this strange time in our lives.  In fact, we may be more observant now as we have more time to be so.

With all the news coverage rightly targeted at the pandemic, it's hard to get away from it.  I get swept up in it too as it has temporarily changed our lives.  But today I stopped and thought of something that maybe we have not thought about as much recently to no fault of our own.  There are plenty of people we all know who are battling illnesses or problems that have nothing to do with the virus.  Many of them fight their battle in private, some not, but it's a battle nonetheless.  And with enemies that have been around far longer than CoronaVirus.

I went out and chipped some golf balls the other day, looked down and really noticed this bracelet that has been on my wrist. I'm wearing it these days, as I know a few people taking on cancer.  And their fight is no less important than this virus.  And of course the incredible health care people taking care of them, are just as heroic.  I'm sure you know someone, who is taking on a health enemy somewhere, whether it's physical or emotional and they are in your thoughts every day. 

I reminded myself that even though these ongoing and never ending battles rage everyday in hospitals and clinics all over the country - you are not forgotten.  And In most cases, these fights will continue on long after this virus has been beaten, as they were here long before its birth.  

We will keep you in our thoughts with the same vigor as always, even though you are not on the news, or in the headlines.  Keep up the good fight.  And if you are in the war against the virus, God bless, and thank you too.

Whether you are getting the care, or administering it - Thank you! You are not forgotten!

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Read 1389 times Last modified on Monday, 20 April 2020 18:02