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Wednesday, 19 July 2023 04:32

Hot Dog Fun Facts!

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Hot Dog Fun Facts from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council:

- A Hot Dog is not a sandwich

- During peak hot dog season, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, Americans are expected to consume 7 billion hot dogs

- The majority of Americans (63%) prefer their hot dogs grilled

- 72% of Americans admit they have no idea what's in a hot dog

- 61% prefer beef hot dogs over pork or turkey.

- Los Angeles residents consume more hot dogs than any other city

- Hot dogs were one of the first foods eaten on the moon

- Hot Dogs were first sold at baseball games in 1893

- Frankfurt, Germany claims to be the originator of the hot dog

- NHDSC hot dog etiquette states that ketchup should not be used on a hot dog for anyone over the age of 18

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