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Monday, 10 June 2019 02:28

Some 'Hacks' for Pool Owners

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I spent more than a few hours this past weekend cleaning and prepping the pool for Summer... and apparently just as long working on nice sunburn on my back.  

Maintaining a pool can be a tedious task, as it only takes a couple of missed days of proper care to turn your backyard oasis into something that looks more like the Bayou. 

Luckily, the internet is full of 'experts' that have helpful hacks, hints and tips to help with anything and everything, even pool cleaning. 

Now, keep in mind that these methods and techniques are simply suggestions and not endorsed by or encouraged by your pools manufacturer or anyone associated with WQMX, but some folks swear by them and they may be helpful in some situations.  That said, you should always follow the Owner's Manual provided by the manufacturer for how to properly care for your pool, but if you have tried any of these and have had any luck, good or bad, feel free to leave a comment for others below!


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