Friday, 03 November 2023 03:11

Please be safe!

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As winter approaches, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you to please stay safe out on the roadways while driving. From following posted speed limits to driving sober, it is especially important to be alert and ready behind the wheel with slick roads and snowfall on the way. 

Halloween night into the first of November, we experienced the first snow of the season, and it was treacherous. There were so many accidents on the highways and elsewhere, and I'm sure tow trucks and first responders kept busy through the morning. Anyone who's a lifelong Ohioan as I am would expect nothing less, yet I don't think it has to be that way. Keep yourself from contributing to the crash statistics through responsible decision making and proper preparation! 

Part of the problem in my opinion is the increased automation of motor vehicles and the detachment of drivers from the machines they're maneuvering. Power steering, fuel injection, traction control, ABS, and AWD are all awesome advancements that are undeniably beneficial in getting to where we need to go. However, if you asked the typical driver how to disable their traction control or the location of their handbrake, many would scratch their head. Some may not even know if their car is FWD, AWD, RWD, or 4x4, and the difference between these can drastically affect a vehicle's wintertime capabilities. 

Going off that, it's essential that you maintain your set of wheels and carry the necessary emergency supplies. Here's a fantastic article from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for more information: 

As a little side note, I urge you to please don't call the cops on kids doing donuts in empty parking lots! You may perceive it as dangerous and at certain times it could be, but as a whole it is a positive for young drivers. I take this stance because I think it helps individuals identify their vehicle's limits to traction and helps them to truly understand how to react to slick conditions. As a law-abiding model-citizen, you didn't hear it from me, but it's also so much fun! If you're sliding, you should know what steps to take to pull you out of it, and I can't think of a better way than practice. 

Ultimately, I must refrain from recommending doing anything illegal or dangerous. Drive at your own risk, and if you're uncomfortable with the weather conditions then avoid it if possible until things clear up. Mitigate risk. As much as I hate what it does to cars, road salt is a charm and sometimes you just need to be patient and wait until the plows come through. Oh, and just slow it down a bit! It's all about making it there safe. There's truly no substitute for a decrease in speed when it comes to winter driving, whether you're in a lifted Jeep or a Camaro. 

Most importantly, don't ever drink and drive. No matter the time of year, time of day, or day of the week; it's never okay. Just don't. Drive sober, stay put, or call for a ride. Thank you! 

Read 391 times Last modified on Friday, 03 November 2023 03:18