Thursday, 16 November 2023 06:18

Daily Scoop, 11/16/23

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Today is Thursday, November 16th- It IS - Use Less Stuff Day, Check Your Wipers Day, Great American Smokeout, Fast Food Day

A new survey says that 75 percent of women would choose “me time” over sex.

One in ten women love their pet more than their partner.

Seems that men are more successful at getting dates if it’s a sunny day when they ask a woman out.

“Snow globing” - is a dating trend during the holidays when a person acts in lovingly way and seems to want to become more serious with you. Then they change their behavior after the holidays end.”

They asked and found that about half of us say we would be willing to give up the internet for a year to sleep better.

The most popular time to sit down for Thanksgiving dinner is between 1 and 2pm. 

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