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Monday, 17 December 2018 06:35

Daily Scoop, Week of 12/17/18

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morningShow theDailyScoop


Today is Friday, December 21st- It IS - Winter- Starts at 5:23 pm, Humbug Day, National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Dean Martin's “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” has reached the top 10 digital sales chart for the first time ever. Sales and downloads are up 70%!

They are in talks to reboot Beverly Hills, 90210 with the original cast!!!!

Bakers are complaining because Hershey's Kisses are apparently missing their tips!

You can now buy Chocolate Mint Dessert Hummus.


We spend about 175 million hours a year looking for our cars.

Seems red wine can trigger migraines if you are pron to them.

It turns out drinking a little bit of whiskey can help relieve your cold symptoms.

On average, will spend 3 days this holiday season hungover!


Today is Thursday, December 20th- It IS - Last Day of Fall, National Caroling Day, Re-gifting Day, Sangria Day

You will get about 3 really bad gifts this Christmas.

On average, your kids will be up at 6:47 AM Christmas morning!

A record 112.5 million Americans are traveling for the holidays this year.

11 million packages where stolen from front porches this year so far...

You can now buy designer Elf Shoes this Christmas! 

It takes about 27 seconds to make a good first impression.

We got a first look at the new live action Aladdin, and people are mad that Will Smith’s Genie isn’t blue.

Carrot Cake Oreos are coming soon.


Today is Wednesday, December 19th- It IS - Hard Candy Day, Oatmeal Muffin Day

Penny Marshall died Monday of diabetes complications she was 75.

Starting today, through Christmas Eve, you can get Gingerbread Donuts at Krispy Kreme.

You can get TSA-approved 'emotional support chicken' from Popeyes to ease your holiday travel. 

The FDA warns, do not eat glitter this Christmas. 

Seems our partners give us the best gifts, while our siblings give us the worst.

75% of American workers DO NOT get a Christmas bonus.

The most successful people start their day at 4am.


Today is Tuesday, December 18th, It IS - 1 week until Christmas, Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day, I Love Honey Day, Tell Us Something Good Tuesday!

USPS will deliver over 200 million packages just this week, on top of the 3 BILLION pieces mail..

They say, you may want to arrive 3 HOURS before your flight this holiday season!

It seems there is strong medical evidence you will gain about ONE pound over the holidays.

You can now buy Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Cereal! 

You can also buy Chipotle burrito, salsa and guacamole wrapping paper!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary says the Word of the Year is Justice. 

You can see Dierks Bentley sing tonight on the finale of The Voice on NBC. 


Today is Monday, December 17th- It IS - Wright Brothers Day, Clean Air Day, Maple Syrup Day

You have approx 11,000 minutes to finish your Christmas shopping.

Next year at this time, most people you buys gifts for will not remember what you got them.

The most outdated Christmas tradition is caroling.

Golden Girls Monopoly is here just in time for Christmas! 

Unicorn Cake is the most searched food this year on Google!

They say the worst job around the house, is folding the laundry.

Your kid’s backpack should not be more than 10% of their body weight.

Read 1160 times Last modified on Friday, 21 December 2018 06:17