If you need a new pic for your Social Media, a quick trip to 'Maria's Field of Hope' at Cedar Point in Sandusky may be just what you need to find that perfect selfie!

If you aren't in a hurry, the 'Original' location in Avon might be a little closer and should be ready for you in a couple weeks, if the weather cooperates.

Prayers For Maria, an organization started by the family of Maria McNamara, who lost her battle with cancer at 7 years old, has announced that 'Maria's Field Of Hope - Cedar Point' has bloomed earlier than expected. 

The first seeds were planted in 2014 at the Avon location on Chester Road off of Jaycox Road, and the newer location is next to Cedar Point's Express Hotel in Sandusky.

Check out Prayers For Maria on INSTAGRAM for the latest updates so you can plan your trip when they bloom!

There's more info for you courtesy of Fox 8 Cleveland, HERE

Published in Ike