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Tuesday, 29 August 2023 14:23

No Spoilers!

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I watch a lot of reality TV, specifically competition shows. There's my go-to's: Big Brother, The Amazing Race, The Challenge USA, but sometimes it is nice to find a new show to get invested in. I wrote a blog about this a while back: Claim to Fame. I had never heard of this show, but I was hooked from the first episode this season (and yes, I am going to watch season 1 soon!). I haven't watched the season finale that was on yesterday... yet. Doing that today. But I thought about it, I have not spoiled this one for myself at all. The entire season or the finale. I'm pretty impressed with myself!

My other go-to shows, I am in groups on Facebook, or follow hashtags, or watch the live feeds. So I always feel like I have the inside scoop and I know what is going to happen before it happens on TV. But, not this time. I am going to be genuinely surprised, and I like it!

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