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Monday, 08 April 2024 06:17

Daily Scoop, 4/8/24

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Today is Monday, April 8th- It IS- Eclipse Day! Zoo Lovers Day, Empanada Day, Draw A Bird Day

Pat Sajak has taped his final episode of Wheel of Fortune. It will air on June 7th, he has hosted since 1981

Half of all single men admit to cleaning their toilet just 4 times a year

Do you wash new sheets? If you don’t, you will now. They are most likely covered in the dust and dirt from the factory they came from and have bugs

Want to look younger without surgery? Eat more fruit - mangoes, pineapples, and oranges “are the fountain of youth.”

Sherwin-Williams releases a list of most popular colors every year, but today they revealed its least popular color – a shade called Kingdom Gold

A new survey breaks down favorite beers by generation. Millennials pick Heineken, while Generation X and Baby Boomers go for Guinness

Research shows that a spider can hear what you’re doing from over ten feet away.

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